Margarita Friday!
Working on a new post for y'all from my Circle Seven Five adventure last night at Jose's on West Lovers Lane in Dallas.
If you haven't heard of Jose's through the grapevine, it's a Guadalajara/Jalisco, Mexico - inspired restaurant that's the brainchild of Dallas-based hospitality group, WoodHouse, specifically Megan and Brady Wood.
Without giving anything away pre-post, I'll just say that the food I "sampled" (aka inhaled at light speed) was without a doubt amazing, and The Usual margarita is anything but usual.
I'll leave you with this lovely photo of me sketchily* drinking my Casamigos 'The Usual' margarita until next time with my full on exploration (which means I took a buttload of photos and need to sort through all of them).

* Why lie - I was actually daydreaming about George Clooney and got busted. No shame.
Stay Tuned!!