"Howdy, Folks"
Opening Day of the State Fair of Texas is no joke. Come between me and my Opening Day button and we're gonna have some problems. Come between my grandma and her free reusable bags in the Automobile/Centennial buildings and you may as well have your affairs in order.
Kidding aside, there's this weird sort of magic that only comes from going to the State Fair, especially on opening day. Trying out new foods, seeing if the butter sculpture is going to be finished in time (always worth checking out), seeing the new products being mass market tested (one year I got to try Uncrustables before they came out in grocery stores), taking small ones through Little Hands on the Farm (I went through myself when Minyard's sponsored it back in the 90's), and so many other things that only come with the weirdly wonderful that is the State Fair.
I know there's a fair amount of people in the great State of Texas that believe the State Fair is overrated. And I get it, if it's something you've never been to, you go with people who don't know how to game plan, or you go on a day when it's frickin' hot out and it's stupid packed.
I, however, am a crazy person, in that I have a set plan of "insert Stacia's plan here that I won't tell you because it would be super easy to stalk me." Ha, not this time!
Seriously though, it's not all about the food, rides, and games. Go explore the buildings — the Food and Fiber Pavilion is one of my favorites to see what's going on in the agriculture side of Texas via 'GoTexan'. Or go walk through the Creative Arts building to see this years winners and entrants from everything to photography, jams, quilt making, and yes, creativity with high heeled shoes combined with play-on-words (this was a hilarious live judging to watch, don't knock it till you've seen it).
All in all, going to the State Fair of Texas and walking around is one of those weird love language things for me that people get on about. It's something I do with my family, and I love bringing people for their first time (like I said, game plan, crazy, you get it). It gives me another thing to look forward to every year, even if I would rather give up my beloved Belgian waffles that have to look at that jacked up version of Big Tex ever again — can't win 'em all.
RIP original Big Tex, circa 2009
Drop me a line if you decide to go, or give me shout out on Instagram! I'll be sure to do a follow up on my game plan and favorite eats (some new tries, too) once I make the rounds.
See y'all out there.
Here's another shot of my now "famous" Belgian waffle face stuffing, circa 2008