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Dallas Food Alert: Street's Fine Chicken

I'd been wanting to try this place for weeks, months, pretty much since they first opened! But I'm a staller, that's the way it goes sometimes. ANNND I didn't do my homework on this place until I actually got the menu in my hand — while Street's does serve some pretty dang good fried chicken, this place is so much more than a one trick pony. And y'all, what a delicious pony it is (I may need a less disturbing analogy, don't eat ponies).

Street's Fine Chicken is located off of Cedar Springs (and another location off Forest Lane) in an adorable white building with chicken inspired classic paintings on the side - seriously, they're hilarious, check them out before you leave. Walking in I got taken by surprise, because as I said before, I didn't do my homework and thought this place was kind of like a order at the front and sit down style. Nope, totally wrong. It also happened to be Halloween and I was dressed as Moana, so there's a visual for you.

See? Adorable.

Sitting down to eat at Street's is the date night/friend date/self date/family night you didn't now you needed. The servers are friendly, the decorations are adorable (check those cute little salt shakers), and y'all, that menu. IT TOOK ME FOREVER TO DECIDE WHAT I WANTED!

I wasn't kidding.

In the end I couldn't decide between the Chicken Pot Pie and the Pork Chop, but come on, we both know what I chose (hint, it was the pig).

When I say this was probably the most delicious pork chop I have ever eaten, I'm not saying it lightly. This beautiful hunk of pork gave me the ol razzel dazzel so hard that it was pretty dang hard to share.

And you get a side and a biscuit — but it's me we're talking about, so I decided to get mashed potatoes and collard greens to go with my biscuit.

You have no idea until you try them

Holy.Butts. those collard greens. I did not share these, I ate them all. No regrets. (honorable mention goes to the brie mac and cheese — while also freakin delicious, I had eyes only for those greens).

Just look at that cheesy goodness

Here's a glamour shot of the CFS 'CC' ordered that I was able to snag a bite or two from. If you couldn't guess already, it was super tasty too.

This is CC's plate not mine, but it's pretty obvious there were no survivors

If you couldn't tell, I love this place. So much so that I dragged my mom there for their first brunch service* ever and boom, she's now a fan, too! All in all, you can't go wrong here considering everything I ate was 'yum' on top of 'good gravy this is delicious', drizzled in 'I'm so full I'm never eating again'. Clearly, I will be back to work my way across this menu, and if you see me, wave hello!

*One day this post will pop up, I swear.


Check them out on social media and there website to find out more!

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